Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Sports Catalog!

SAWEET! Club Penguin now officially has a green team! If you're a member, go check out the green football jerseys! Did any of you notice that in the last sports catalog there was a green soccer jersey? I wonder what they'll make next...

Sorry, there aren't any hidden items in this catalog!

New Pin!

The current pin is the Koi Fish Pin located at the Cove:

Fair and Rockhopper!

Starting September 4th, Club Penguin will have the yearly fair. I don't know if it's the Fall Fair or not (I think it's just a fair). Tell me what you think in your comments!

Also, Rockhopper's ship has been spotted in the telescope, and he's expected to come around September 4th, too! So we'll have the fair AND Rockhopper!